We spent a lot of time in the waning stages of last winter enjoying the soft, beautiful and pretty incredible record Phylactery Factory from White Hinterland (aka Casey Dienel). Now here comes Luniculaire, an all French EP from Dienel which shows her clearly taking a step forward in her musical vision. Luniculaire (taking parts of French words "lunaire" (lunar) and "funiculaire" (funicular, as in railway)) contains two originals plus covers of songs made famous by Serge Gainsbourg, Brigitte Fontaine and Francoise Hardy. In the way that her previous record was perfect for winter, this EP is the perfect comliment to autumn.
As lovely as Phylactery Factory was, it lacked some in its production. At times it came across as thin, and didn't sound as lush as it could have. Dienel has seemingly rectified these problems as the sound on "Chant de Grillon" (above) is thick and full-bodied, which just adds to its allure. Whereas Phylactery Factory represented a strong debut, Luniculaire demonstrates that White Hinterland are moving in all the right directions.
Dead Oceans releases Luniculaire on October 20. For all of our UK readers, definitely catch White Hinterland as they tour Europe over the next few weeks. Dates after the jump.
Tour Dates:
10/02/08 Dudingen, Switzerland - Bad Bonn
10/04/08 Geislingen, Germany - Rätschenmühle
10/05/08 Zurich, Switzerland - El Lokal
10/06/08 Frankfurt, Germany - Mousonturm - Studio
10/07/08 Wien, Austria - Szene
10/08/08 Munich, Germany - Rote Sonne
10/10/08 Prague, Czech Rebublic - Café Cerna Labut
10/12/08 Berlin, Germany - Cafe Zapata
10/13/08 Hamburg, Germnay - Knust
10/14/08 Amsterdam, Netherlands - Paradiso
10/16/08 Brighton, UK - Komedia Studio
10/17/08 London, UK - Bush Hall
10/18/08 Manchester, UK - Night and Day
10/19/08 Cork, Ireland - Cyprus Ave
10/20/08 Galway, Ireland - Roisin Dubh
10/21/08 Belfast, UK - Aunt Annie
10/22/08 Dublin, Ireland - Crawdaddy
10/25/08 Paris, France - Cafe de la Danse w/ Lambchop
10/26/08 Brussels, Belgium - Ancienne Belgique w/ Lambchop
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