Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Blog Reel

Woods: "Get Clean" [mp3]
Animal Collective: "Summertime Clothes"
John Vanderslice: "Too Much Time" [mp3]

Today our featured video comes from the fantastic new-comers Woods, who we've written about numerous times. Sometimes, a video is able to give you a new perspective on a song. While, videos have largely become obsolete as a form of discovering new music, they still exist as a great way to give fans and listeners a new way to envision your music. For a band like Woods, their music can sometime seem a little dark. Yet, this video for their song "To Clean" shows a brighter side to the tune, even though there are lots of knives and fake blood. Fun times with Woods. Good song too. The rest are after the jump.

Animal COllective: Summertime Clothes

John Vanderslice "Too Much Time" from Yours Truly on Vimeo.

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