Thursday, January 26, 2012

Trust: "Sulk"

We had this post flagged last week, but of course, being the lazy bloggers we are, we sat on it and now P4K named it best new track, and now we just look like those schmucky second rate guys that... ANYWAY! This is a solid song that according to Larry Fitzmaurice is "slithery" enough to use that adjective twice in one review... but we digress. "Sulk" doesn't rewrite the book on goth-synth, but is solid enough to file next to your recent Cold Cave albums, which is very good company indeed. Trust also features Maya Postepski from the excellent, and underrated Austra. Not sure how the album is, and we will not post that heinous cover art, but we're looking forward to it. Trst drops 2/28 on Arts & Crafts.

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