Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Thoughts From My Lunch Hour: Backdoor Sliders with Boris, Bobby, Willie and the Cougar


On a day where the gang around here is honoring the 1970's, I won't do such a thing, because hey, I like the aughts just fine and plus I know nothing about the 70's except for what happened in Forrest Gump. Lieutenant Dan's got magic legs! So I thought that I should honor something I do know and love a lot about: baseball. The best sport in the world - scientifically proven, don't front - is in the spotlight today because it's the All Star Game, duh. Also, all the steroids. Always with the steroids. But I'd like to point your attention to a couple of baseball-related items of interest today in the music world, but really only two, because this is more like a lunch half-hour. Chief among them being the brand spankin' new song from Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, the loveable indie-pop foursome who won thousands of hearts (mine) last year with the best album of 2008, Pershing. The folks over at Catbird Seat are premiering "Cardinal Rules," which the Missouri boys wrote exclusively about their town's minor league baseball team, the Springfield Cardinals. It (likely) won't be on the band's followup to Pershing, but it still rips. It's really anthemic with only the slightest bit of cheese, which means it's perfect to be blasted in minor league stadiums across the world, or just Missouri.

I wish an indie band would write about my town's minor league baseball affiliate, the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs. Oh! Segue! Read on.

So yeah, speaking of those Pigs, the stadium in which they normally play (Coca Cola Park) is occupied with other swine tonight: namely Bob Dylan, Willie Nelson and John (Cougar) Mellencamp. I told you guys about this in my last TFMLH, way to be listening, an hour of detention for everyone. I'll be live tweeting from the stadium starting at 4 p.m. today for The Morning Call, and I'm actually really jazzed for it. Or folked, I guess. Again, none of these performers are even close to being in their prime and there's a good chance I might see one of them die on stage tonight, but you don't pass up the opportunity to see a couple of legends and John (Cougar) Mellencamp for free. So tweet I shall. I really hope J(C)M plays "Centerfield" tonight, for obvious reasons. Anyway, you can bet I'll have at least four thoughts on tonight's festivities in tomorrow's column, but I urge you to follow me in real time tonight, because hey, new media, right?

Follow my live updates HERE! For those of you with an aversion to hyperlinks, simply go to www.twitter.com/mcall and watch the tweets get progressively more cynical throughout the night. Until next time!

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