When you come across a "Best Of" list, what are you immediately drawn to? The number one spot of course. Some find it necessary to write a paragraph description per each listed album. If you think about it, at approximately 50 words a write up, multiplied by say, 25 "Best Of" write ups, that is 1250 words you probably don't want to read. Below you will see a one word description for each of my top 25 -- these were obtained by repeatedly skipping from track-to-track on the entire album, and writing the first, FIRST word that came to mind for each. Some may make sense, some may not... Such is the power of the mind. Enjoy.



See the rest after the jump.




















You missed "A Very Hessian X-Mas" by DTB. Other than that, I'm pumped to listen to some of these CD's upon our return to the slum we call home.
I love the Downtown Brown Xmas edition of "A Very Hessian (remix.)
gaslight anthem... love it
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